So I've heard it a million times, read it, wrote papers on it, have sat through lectures, advised patients of mine about it. Yet, when it comes to my own life I don't always wrap my head around it. STRESS SUCKS! Little inanimate things, non food sources of fat that stick to your body like a plague! When you put a number of these "little" stress causing things into motion it doesnt matter how much you diet or exercise you will be fighting a very tiresome uphill battle.
Me personally!
Since I went all crazy organizing my house and cleaning every nook and cranny it feels less chaotic, I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in my living space. All of my laundry is done and put away. We reflect our surroundings and likewise our surroundings reflect us. If I want to look good and feel good then my home should look good and feel good, and visa versa. Yesterday was Mothers day and I had seriously been up all night with Ezra and come 6am I was ready to wad that cute little boy up and throw him away! I decided to not go to Lancaster to visit family, I instead put myself on a time out and sent Ezra and my husband Mike out there. It was the first time I was alone in my home for a year and even longer completely alone un-ailed by Pregnancy in a year and a half! I had a me and my thoughts day, I cleaned, and tidied, and dyed my hair, I took a really long shower and shaved my legs and pits in the same showering period! Which is unheard of when you are a new mommy!
When Mike got home at 10pm everything was in order, even me. Then he decided to take Ez for the night and they camped out on the living room floor together. It was the first night of full rest with out the responsibility of Ezra ever! When I woke up I suddenly fit into a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn since before I was pregnant. Granted they were big on me then and they are somewhat loose now, but I have no muffin top, no flanks bubbling over, nothing! I look better because I feel better!
So many things trigger stress. People talk about stress like it is a cause, but stress is the effect of things that go in in your life, stress is what you are feeling if you give into responding to things negatively, it is the bodies way of over compensating, and in response to that our bodies break down. Stress induced conditions are a majority of major health issues, fatalities, and personality issues! Its no wonder my body is in survival mode holding onto my blubber like Ive been thrown into the arctic! Like a turtle sticks its head into its shell for protection, so your fat doesn't release or the toxins it needs to. Also it doesn't receive the nutrients to are giving it as well. Something to think on! Im looking great day by day and Im feeling great, and though a part of it has to do with eating better and exercising most of it has to do with my attitude and what I surround myself with!
Im working on letting go of control, how I respond to others and so on! It is all connected, our minds, bodies, hearts, and the world around us.
Women all shapes and sizes from all walks of life, on their journey to a new self image. Take back your life start living!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Cant wait to weigh myself!
28 days in and Im feeling great and really starting to see results, though I still have quite a ways to go its comforting to know Ive lost some. This last weekend was my period and I couldn't help but need cookies. I was super bloated from all the hormones so in the next couple days I should really start to look amazing (in comparison)! This next month Im really buckling down on the diet aspect of all of this. I will also start using our elliptical machine, doing some crunches and using light weights for arm exercises, I am so sick of being fat! well pic and measurements to come.
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