Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Down weight!

16days into round 1 of HCG and I am officially down at least 12pounds! Today I had a good amount to eat, I weighed myself in the middle of the day and the scale I used is about 5pounds heavier off. So it isn't accurate but it read 12 so it's probably closer to 20pounds! I'm way excited some of my clothes are falling off me, I'm losing in my legs, thighs, flanks, back and face the most (first) though I have significant loss in my mid section it's not as much as I would like, I'm going to do some light cardio, crunches, and dumbbells. My arms always lose last and it is difficult I'm built like a line backer, I often used to get asked if I was "a swimmer". Nope just a big German, call me Helga!
Today on the way to Lancaster my husband and I were starving so we stopped at Burger King, um No Bueno!!! I was sick to my stomach a couple bites in, my body was screaming "what the hell?!" I've been eating so healthy the past 3 weeks my body has really loved me for it, fresh veggies and fruits, healthy protein snacks, not very Much starch at all, just good carbs. I'm never doing fast food again I thought I was gonna barf, and my mood changed. Definitely more psycho when crap is in my belly, Lenny Kravits came on the radio (aughhhh!) and I wanted to seriously reach through the speakers and junk punch him, can't stand that guy and after eating BK I wanted to write him hate mail! I should have starved or got apples or something, huge regret!
Some things I have noticed this time around with the HCG that I don't remember from before is gas, not sure what that is, perhaps the rapid break down of food. The frequent potty breaks, which makes sense that when your metabolism is sped up so is your circulation therefore the body produces waste way faster, errr like immediately it seems, ha ha!

I want to lose another 10 pounds in the next 2 weeks! Stay tuned! Pics and measurements to come!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Extra Boost...

For those of us who love our morning energy drinks... I am strictly a Red Bull fan and this couldn't have come out at a better time! Zero carbs, zero sugar, zero calories! And it tastes awesome!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Mandi Day 9 HCG...

Feeling Great looking a lot better still seeing change! Today when I woke up you could really tell. I have been sleeping great when I'm asleep, but my baby Ezra who will be 7 months tomorrow is teething and I haven't got very much sleep in the last week, I think once he starts sleeping through the night again I'll sleep more and see a real difference! Went grocery shopping today an bought a ton of food, lots of protein, fruits and veggies, and a lot of healthy snack stuff. My Husband is doing HGH drops and he started P90x this last week, so it helps having someone else in the house who has healthy goals as well! I'm very excited for this whole thing I've had a few conversations with Piper and Brandee and they share the excitement! Keep following!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mandi Day 6 HCG

Ok so today I've notice a substantial change in my body, my husband has even noticed, my entire body has shrunk and it's been significant in my mid section (hallelujah!) I must admit even though I've done this before I've been a little nervous that I wouldn't have the same results and if I did not as fast.... Well I seem to have been wrong I'm so ecstatic! I don't own a scale but my clothes fit better and I'm looking better naked! I'll figure out a way to weight myself every 2 weeks. I haven't heard from Piper or Brandee yet on how they are doing but we all work a lot and are on totally different schedules so I'm not worried but I hope to hear from them by Monday!
I will be posting and explaining our schedule soon!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mandi Day 3 HCG...

Hey guys it's me Fat and Make-upless! Keep following us because we have begun!


Saturday, April 7, 2012


There has been a bit of a delay in our journey, between money and the ordering of our HCG it finally shipped out and we will start mid next week. I am totally excited and look forward to each of our results!